Biomass Briquettes

Biomass briquettes are a type of renewable energy source and fuel made from compressed organic materials. They are typically used as an alternative to traditional fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas. Biomass briquettes are a sustainable and environmentally friendly fuel option because they are made from organic materials that can be replenished.

Biomass Briquettes Specification

  • High Calorific Value - 3400 to 4000 Kcal/Kg
  • Lower Ash Content - 6% to 10%
  • Lower Moisture - 3% to 10%
  • Cost Effective - Cheaper than Coal
  • Easy Handling
  • Easy to Store &Transport
  • Low Pollution
  • Sulfur Less
  • Longer Burning Duration
  • Wastage/ Loss - 8% to 10%

Raw Materials

  • Waste wood
  • Wood
  • Fallen leaves
  • Peanuts shells
  • Branch
  • Wood shavings
  • Sawdust
  • Straw
  • Bale
  • Grass
  • Sugar cane
  • Stalk
  • Rice husk
Biomass Briquettes

Notification of Ministry of Power’s Policy

Ministry of Power’s Policy on “Biomass Utilization for Power Generation through Co-firing in Coal-based Power Plants” issued in October 2021 mandates all Thermal Power Plants in the Country to Use 5% to 7% Biomass Briquette along with Coal for Power production.